What Can a Construction Manager Do?

— by Stacy Sinclair, Ed.D

View from Regional Connector. Building a more sustainable and resilient LA.

Can you feel it? That Monday morning cocktail; that unique mixture of anticipation, excitement and dread that comes with a new day filled with coordination meetings, a new project or that long-awaited project kick-off?

After all, you’re in the business of creating the next Los Angeles. You got this – or you did. Somehow, you and your colleagues have recently become the focal point of the region’s hopes, dreams, promise and fears. No longer are you just designing/building/demolishing that little corner space, but now what you do and how you do it are in a whole new spotlight.  You need direction.

The expectations have been rising for some time for us, we unique professionals who build our urban spaces, to solve the ills that have befallen our greater environment that have taken generations to create. Things have gotten better since the 1970’s, but the pressure’s on now to do more.

More? I know, it’s exhausting to keep doing more. Your new infrastructure will now be lower in carbon, more energy and water-efficient, meeting and exceeding California’s already stringent building performance goals.

Projects now require an understanding of current and emerging technologies, processes, and improved coordination across disciplines. And I know what you’re thinking, right along with me. “No sweat – I got this. I just need less sleep and more productive hours in the day!” Beyond the eye-rolling, you’ve gotta know that really, you can do this, not by doing more or working harder (you are working hard!) but by making some strategic shifts.

I was first introduced to Urban Green’s Green Professional Training (G-PRO) when the Fundamentals module first launched in Los Angeles 2017 and have been a certified teacher of this and Operations & Maintenance since.  And now a new module on construction management is launching – no prerequisites required. 

G-PRO Construction Management is for Construction Managers, General Contractors, Owner’s Representatives, Project Managers and Site Superintendents, Estimators, students and others interested in the building and construction industry.  This 8-hour course highlights sustainability best practices and actionable strategies for every phase of construction, as well as how to avoid common mistakes that cost projects time and money. Need continuing education credits? GPRO CM qualifies for 7 CEU’s for PDH, AIA, and GBCI.

This is about understanding roles and picking up clear and proven strategies – to get you to that LEED, WELL, Envision or other green certification without having to hang a dartboard sporting the faces of your colleagues (owners and contractors). With some strategic knowledge about getting ahead of the curve, knowing what to look and listen for, project outcomes can be far more sustainable, meeting their intended vision. You can identify opportunities that will reduce common mishaps resulting in delays to cost and schedule – before they happen. And just think, you won’t even have to take out a super-hero’s cape to make it happen!

You are a part of the USGBC-LA community partly because you live and thrive on the forefront of innovation. You care and you do something about it. I hope you’ll hang out for a few hours and share that passion with your colleagues. Come pick up a couple ideas that could very well spark how you will once again set yourself apart from the crowd.

I’ll see you in class.  Register here and we’ll continue the conversation.

Tags: howtocareergreenjobseducationconstructiontraininggprogreen building

About the Author

Stacy Sinclair, Ed.D

Stacy Sinclair is an environmental scientist and author. She partners with USGBC-LA to raise awareness about the issues related to sustainability and resilience facing decision-makers.

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