Message from Our New Executive Director
Let’s Connect: Envisioning & Reinvesting in our Future Together

USGBC-LA members, partners, and fellow green building enthusiasts, I hope this note finds you well and I’m grateful to be here as your new Executive Director.

I have dedicated my career to being a local leader in the green building movement and the opportunity for our organization at this moment fills me with potential like no other.

Our movement is at a crossroads, threatened with becoming background noise of our own acronyms lost in the tapestry of issues surrounding climate change. But we know differently, we know that green buildings are the very fabric of what we need to create a truly sustainable society, because it all begins at our homes, at our workplaces, and where we eat, worship, shop, educate, and heal.

The time has come for our community of believers to not only embrace but envision the future of the green building movement. We need to lead in new and different ways, because the needs of the market, our communities, and the tools we have available to accelerate this movement forward have also changed.  At the core of this change is increased collaboration with those that share pieces of our vision and greater inclusion in our communities of those who are curious and willing to be part of this transition to a sustainable future. Education needs to be the key unifying principle for how we approach this process, because when we educate, we create awareness, activity, and lasting personal change.

My ask to you is to join me on this new journey. To reinvest yourself, your energy, and your good will in a vision of a built environment that is better than what we have today. You have my commitment that I will work as hard as I can to match that energy, to connect with you on what we need, and to provide you with the engagement to help you create your own positive impact. Along the way we will be authentic, hopefully have more than a little fun and try not take ourselves too seriously while bringing the professionalism and leadership to truly transform our region.

I greatly look forward to this challenge and to working with all of you, the members of this organization, who believe enough to contribute and to participate, and ultimately care enough to try to take this journey together.

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