IN THE NEWS: Reaching Net Zero

Link to Architectural Products (Sept./Oct. 2024, pgs 14-16) | What was once a novelty has become the norm. Green Building, sustainability, and efficient use of resources is a given in nearly every new architectural design, as well as for major renovation projects. But what about net zero? When it comes to carbon, waste, water, and energy, how much traction is this movement really getting? We asked Colin Mangham, Director, Corporate Sustainability & Innovation, USGBC California, and President of Morpho Energy for his perspective.

…Innovative services, systems, and products are critical to enable the growth and proliferation of net zero buildings. At the forefront of this is the USGBC-CA Net Zero Accelerator.  …A sampling from the 2023 and 2024 cohorts follows. (Read full article)

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