IN THE NEWS: New Buildings in LA, Santa Monica Must Be All-Electric

LINK to Spectrum News 1 TV Segment (March 7, 2023) | The single mom moved to Pacific Landing in October, a new affordable housing development in Santa Monica that is all-electric. None of the 37 units use any natural gas. “I don’t have to worry about carbon monoxide leaks or anything like that, which is beautiful with me having kids and being a single mom,” [Jasmine] Carter said.

“The reality is if you’re the one who’s cooking, you’re the one who’s breathing in most of the emissions that are being produced by the combustion by that stove, so it’s healthier for you as well,” said Ben Stapleton, executive director of the U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles. He has been partnering with Barauskas to create these all-electric buildings. WATCH STORY at link above.

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