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  • Company Size: 45
  • Industry: Public Sector
  • Locations: Oakland, CA

StopWaste helps Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle properly, and use water, energy, and other resources efficiently. We’re a public agency governed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Energy Council. With local partners, we helped launch the green building movement in California and organized one of the first and largest food scrap collection programs in the country. Our work includes reducing wasted food by helping residents plan, store, eat, and compost food efficiently; developing and running energy upgrade programs to make buildings more comfortable and efficient; helping to keep plastics out of our creeks and the Bay through implementation of the reusable bag law; and more.

StopWaste is an Alameda County local government agency. Creating an inviting company culture with staff who are passionate about public service and sustainability is important to us. Employees receive benefits through CalPERS and maintain a healthy work-life balance. We are led by our Executive Director, Timothy Burroughs, and function in a small team-based structure.

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