Link to Ten Across Conversations (April 19, 2024) | Listen in as Ten Across founder Duke Reiter and USGBC-California Executive Director Ben Stapleton discuss solutions for decarbonizing the built environment, ideals for the future of city health and design, and how California is currently leading the way in many U.S. climate efforts. (Listen to full […]
Link to Bisnow (March 25, 2024) | New California climate legislation is set to go into effect soon, and commercial real estate professionals are watching for potential impacts on businesses and what implementation will actually look like.  …With the Securities and Exchange Commission’s finalized rules that require large companies to report some of their carbon emissions — but not Scope […]
Link to Zero Energy Project (March 19, 2024) | The United Nations estimates that the world will add about 2.6 trillion sqft of new floor area to the global building stock. This equates to adding an entire New York City, every month, for 40 years. A large proportion will be housing. Specifically, housing is needed in already […]
Link to KCRW (Feb. 20, 2024) | Hear how one family is helping in an experiment around water use: The World Health Organization says each person needs 50 – 100 liters (13 – 26 gallons) of water per day to meet basic needs like drinking, showering, cleaning dishes, and washing clothes. A group called the 50 […]
Link to Spectrum News 1 TV Segment (Jan. 8, 2024) | U.S. Green Building Council Los Angeles has partnered with corporations as part of the 50 Liter Home Coalition, which strives to make 13 gallons of daily water use per person a new reality.  Some lucky LA homeowners are taking part in a new pilot program. […]
Link to Zero Energy Project (Jan. 8, 2024) | With 45% of urban areas covered by pavement, climate change is pushing cityscape temperatures to record highs. Innovative, sustainable pavement solutions are urgently needed. Whether used with asphalt or conventional concrete, “cool pavement” solutions, such as ePAVE, can decrease the urban heat island effect by mitigating greenhouse gas […]
Link to Press-Telegram (Dec. 11, 2023) | The Long Beach Container Terminal was recently named “Project of the Year” during the U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles’ Sustainable Innovation Awards. The terminal received the top award at the 13th annual awards, which took place in Los Angeles on Thursday, Dec. 7. LBCT received the award for its $2.5 billion […]
Link to ABC7 (Nov. 21, 2023) | “We always like to say, fires don’t cause wildfire burned down homes, it’s embers that do that,” said Ben Stapleton, the executive director of the U.S. Green Building Council Los Angeles, a nonprofit promoting sustainable and resilient buildings through education and community engagement. “It really has to be about communities,” […]
Link to Alta Journal (Oct. 12, 2023) | Enrique Navarro starts his workday when most people are winding theirs down, when pesky rats raid backyard fruit trees and the savory smell of dinner wafts out of houses. Monday through Friday, he hops on a bright orange Metro bus near his home in Echo Park and […]
Link to Zero Energy Project story (October 9, 2023) | Approximately 28% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the operations of buildings. And heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems alone contribute to 40% of the average commercial building’s energy consumption. More and more, high performance buildings are turning to data to curb energy use […]
Link to Environmental Social Justice podcast (Oct. 4, 2023) | Net Zero Accelerator director Colin Mangham is interviewed by Wendy Nystrom and Joy Langford, discussing everything from biomimicry to building proptech, from water to the newest Accelerator companies and so much more. (Listen to podcast)
Link to Metropolis (Sept. 12, 2023) | Through the Net Zero Conference’s Trailblazer Awards program, the conference—the largest event dedicated to net zero energy, decarbonization, and climate resilience—also celebrates leaders across industries for the work they’re doing to build a net zero future. Meet the 7 winners, including Kit Switch from USGBC-LA’s Net Zero Accelerator. […]

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